Saturday, June 9, 2012

Week #2 Adventures

Week #2 adventures at #kaleo12 were characterized by fire, childhood, and nail polish! (Further explanations below) We focused on what it looks like to know God on a deeper level and surrender to His sufficiency. Check it out:
Day #7
Inductive Bible Study method changes lives. (Seriously, it definitely changed mine!) Monday night we learned the basics of the first step: Observation. Reactions to this new challenge in our group varied from “Holy cow, where has this been all my life?!?!” to “Why would you torture us like this, Sara?”, but the good new is that our group has adjusted very well and they are doing a phenomenal job tearing apart 1 Thessalonians 1 and learning so many new things!  So thankful for such a teachable, positive group to be encouraged by!
Day #8
Tuesday nights at the project are called “D-Group Nights,” which consist of cooking dinner together and later discussing our weekly 1 Thessalonians study and a chapter in the book “Be the Leader You Were Meant to Be.”  This week we enjoyed creating a Facebook profile page for Paul and the Thessalonians with the information we found in our 1 Thessalonians Book Overview, as well as writing down our insufficiencies and burning them right here in our room! The good news is: we didn’t even set off the fire alarm!
Day #9 
We have a little bit of free time on Wednesdays nights, and occasionally a guy’s group will invite a girl’s group over for dinner or dessert to chill for the night! This week we got to spend time with not one, but two guy’s groups! After work, we went over to Collin, Bobby, Caleb, Taylor, and Corey’s room, where they handed us delicious cupcakes to finish our dinner off with. These cupcakes actually had pieces of paper hidden in them that said, “Will you go on a group date with us?”, but I apparently didn’t get the memo and almost ate the paper in mine! Whoops! Later on, our group hung out with Andrew, Chris, Glen, and Tim and shared yogurt parfaits while we chatted about life, Harry Potter, and Kaleo. It is so much fun to hear what unique things other people at the project are learning too!
Day #10
Thursday night we attended TNT (Thursday Night Talk), which is a lot like StuMo weekly meetings back on campus.This week we talked about “Knowing God Deeper,” which outlined the difference between having knowledge of God and actually knowing him on a continual deeper level.  One of my favorite quotes of the night was: “You are as close to God as you want to be,” because it really describes the fact that the more you pursue God and strive to grow closer to him through studying the Bible, praying, and learning from others, the more you will grow! After a great talk, we hit up TCBY for some ice cream and came back to our room and took some crazy pictures together!
Day #11
After the last day of work for the week, we returned to the Staybridge and prepared to go on a group date with only the instruction of “be prepared to return to your childhood.” The guys took us out to a beautiful park next to the beach with a pier and a playground, where we made our own pizzas on the grill, drank juice boxes, colored, and played lava tag on the playground, all the while chatting about our lives! It was so cool to hear about what other people are learning at Kaleo and how they plan on applying it next semester back on campus!
Day #12
Saturday we started the morning off with spiritual leadership training, followed by an afternoon at the beach talking to the tons of people we met there about Jesus!  We had a relaxing evening complete with a Chick-fil-a run with Alyson, Hilary, Danielle, Stephanie, and Katelyn’s group, followed by a Disney movie and polish night back in the 208. 
I can’t speak entirely for the other girls in my group, but I know that God has already shown me even more how fulfilling life is when we rely more and more on his sufficiency and desire to be faithful with what he has entrusted with us!  I can’t wait to continue sharing what incredible things he is doing on our lives here in Gulf Shores!
Here are a few prayer requests for the week:
-That we would rely on God’s sufficiency in every circumstance.
-That God will comfort Melat after the loss of a great friend and use this for His glory.
-Focus on what we are learning and perseverance to continue going “all in.”
-That we would grow our hearts for unreached places in the world as we pray for them.

Thanks for your partnership in our life-changing summer!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful week. Thank you for posting! It really helps to remind me how to pray specifically for you and your group. Encouraging to hear of the work of God in so many young lives!
